Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Woman Teaching Women How To Handle Personal Finances

The world of wealth management is a male-dominated field, filled with experts who know investing but who don't always possess the EQ (the ability to connect with people on an emotional level) to listen to the stories, values, and priorities of women.  

This is a great article, from the Denver Business Journal, about a woman who specializes in helping women to understand finances. 

Steph Bruno has researched how women think about and invest money. She has built a practice around educating women (and their partners). She helps them to explore their beliefs about money and to make sound financial decisions.

My favorite section: Steph “offers one-day, private wealth retreats to clients. It’s a full day of one-on- one consultation with Bruno in an undisturbed setting, where the client can freely ask questions and discuss financial issues. Bruno gives them a full set of recommendations they either can implement on their own or work on with Bruno. She includes a money mindset analysis, a money purpose map, journal of wealth aspirations, action plan and more.”
Does your financial adviser do this for you?

Steph was also, this same month, named as a Five Star Professional Wealth Manager by 5280 Magazine.  

She is also an avid skier, outdoorswoman, writer, and dog lover, an amazing partner to me and friend to my children. Enjoy! 

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